It's almost time for baby to here and you're wondering what to pack, below I have my personal 5 must have items for your upcoming hospital or birth center birth.

Dad adjust pillow for mother during labor - San Antonio Birth Photographer

Your Own Pillow

I don't care what anyone says, those hospital pillows are as flat as a pancake sometimes. Bringing your own pillow from home can help if your labor is slow to progress. You'll be able to comfortably lay your head down and hopefully catch some sleep before baby decides to make their arrival. Then you can take it with you to the postpartum room, which after pushing out your baby, you're going to want to sleep. Labor is exhausting, and at least for a hospital birth you will most likely need to stay a minimum of 24 hours after birth so having your own pillow is a huge comfort you don't want to miss out on.


Baby's Going Home Outfit

For me this was also super special, we used this outfit to announce our baby's name. I bought a little gown with a cap for my son, although our family knew his name ahead of time, I hadn't announced it to social media so it was a cute way to do it. With our daughter, no one knew her name, also a benefit to living states away it's easier to keep a secret. We bought her a little onesie with her name on it, shorts, and bow, she's a July baby who was due in June and I knew Texas would be hot so I didn't worry about her being cold. The other added benefit to the going home outfit is for pictures, whether you hire a photographer for your birth or Fresh 48, or plan to take some with you phone, it's always cuter than just the simple hospital blankets.

It doesn't have to be anything special, I'm overly sentimental with items so I keep nearly every significant piece of clothing, if you're not crazy like me, then a simple onesie or pajama outfit will do!

Laboring mother FaceTimes her children at home - San Antonio Birth Photography

Phone Charger

If you're anything like me and doom scroll through Facebook or Instagram then a phone charger is definitely a must. If your hospital is limiting support persons allowed in your room, then you might be FaceTiming your family or calling them to update them on the status of your labor. Either way having the charger near by ensures that your battery doesn't die before baby arrives, and so you don't miss out on those first photos!



In a hospital setting, they probably will tell you can't eat until baby's born, and I'm here to tell you, you can if you want to, they just might not like it. In a birth center or home birth setting, were eating the whole time and in my experience it definitely helps to not feel like your starving the whole time.

In a hospital though, even if you choose to not eat during labor, after you give birth, you're going to want to eat! In my case with my son it was 5 in the morning and I didn't want my husband to leave me to go to the closest McDonalds for food. So, we ended up eating vending machine food and sure it was good cause I thought I was dying of starvation but I would have much rather had my own snacks that I knew I would love to have after.

In a birth center, they'll likely have snacks, but if you have a preference it's always a good rule of thumb to have your own to eat.


Comfortable Clothes

First things first, your socks! Make sure that they're comfortable and warm, if you're prone to swelling or anything be sure to take that into account. Hospitals will most likely give you some non-slip socks but they aren't warm. Then postpartum clothes, I learned my lesson after my firstborn to make sure I had loose comfortable clothes. I had leggings and a tight shirt and sweatshirt. Let's say after you push out a baby that isn't as comfortable as when you arrived. Bring something you think you'll be comfortable in, if that's leggings for you do it! If it's sweatpants or your husband's lounging pants bring those, just make sure you're comfortable!

Added note, if you're not planning to breastfeed, bring a sports bra that's tight fitting, it'll help with getting rid of your milk supply. If you're planning to breastfeed, then bring your nursing bras and start practicing while at the hospital or birth center so if you need help figuring them out (like I did) then you have people who know the ins and outs!


A small Nerf Gun

In the hospital especially, your partner is most likely going to fall asleep at some point while you're awake and they'll SWEAR they "couldn't" hear you when they're 4 feet away. The Nerf Gun can be use to give them a little 'nudge' awake, plus it's quite hilarious!

San Antonio Birth Photographer - Pitocin Pump